Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hop like a kid again, it's good for you!

Want to keep your bones healthy and strong? Then you should add some hopping and jumping to your fitness routine. Studies show that bones should be jarred to add mass and reduce the loss of bone mass as one ages. If you have a set of steps you could trying jumping on both feet from one step to the ground about 20 times every day or so to get the benefits of bone "blasting." Activities like playing tennis or basketball help the bones too by the constant jumping or side to side movements. Swimming, while a low impact activity, doesn't too a lot for the bones. If you are a bike rider try standing up to pedal to put a little extra stress on the bones. You could also join the kids for a game of hopscotch, do some jumping jacks, or the next time you get some really good new, hop up and down. You might look silly but your bones will be happy.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Stuck in a fitness rut?

Do you do the same old workout everyday? Do you feel like your fitness has plateaued? Not excited about working out? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then maybe you want to set a weekly fitness goal. Recently I was feeling bored with the same old 3 mile run and my strength workout. So I added a new strength routine that has me using weights while in a plank position. It works my core, triceps, biceps, glutes, abs, and quads.  In just a few weeks of doing the new exercises I feel stronger. I now alternate my running days with the strength workouts.

When you decide to set a goal pick something that is specific, like shaving 30 seconds off your next 5K race time or setting a personal record for how many push ups you can pump out. The American Council on Exercise has come up with an acronym for setting realistic goals. It is SMART and stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. The last one can help you maintain your focus by putting a time limit on what your goal is.  Whatever the goal, it may help you get over that boredom you have been experiencing in the same old workouts and make you fitter and stronger.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Burpees, anyone?

If you want one exercise that works your whole body, this might be the one for you. Don't have much time for exercise, this is for you! Burpees, when done right, can burn more calories in just a few minutes than many other exercises. When you add the push up to the burpee you have an exercise that works the arms, chest, quads, glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles.

In addition when you have conditioned with burpees it helps with everyday activities like carrying groceries, a toddler, or lifting that suitcase overhead to shove into the overhead bin on an airplane. Burpees will also boost your endurance and conditioning for other sports and activities. What's not to like?

If you go on Utube you can find many examples of how to do a burpee correctly, with or without the pushup. So what are you waiting on? Burpee on!