Saturday, April 20, 2013

Want to burn more calories? Add these tips to your daily routine.

Think you are too busy to get in a full workout? You can do little things throughout the day that will help give your metabolism a boost. If you work in a cubicle, leave your desk at least once an hour and take a trip to the water cooler. The water will hydrate you and keep your body working at it's best. If you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. If you are at a mall, skip the escalators and elevators, take the stairs instead. When you go shopping, park in the furthest spot in the lot, unless it is night and doesn't feel safe.

Some activity is always better than nothing! So if you are too busy to head to the gym, taking the dog for a walk or playing with your pooch can help to elevate your heart rate. I'll add a few more for tomorrow's post so be sure to check back.

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