Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Ways to boost brain power

There are many ways one can go about boosting brain power. The popular website Lumosity has some fun games to build neurons (or so they say) but if you don't always want to be turning to your computer then try out these ideas. Did you know that setting goals can activate areas of the brain associated with positive thinking? This in turn promotes an improvement in thinking abilities and problem solving skills. Register for that 5K race/walk/marathon or open a bank account to save for that trip you have always wanted to take. 

Asking questions of others is a great way to build brain power. But we must also listen to the answers. How many times are we on the phone and multi tasking at the same time? I'm guilty of that, putting someone on speaker and going about my business. Practicing empathy can also boost brain power. Listening to and understanding the emotions of others is a skill that your brain can learn. The world can use more listening so try to develop the skills to be a good listener and in turn someone may listen to you when you need it.


  1. According to some research if you have a healthy brain you are likely to suffer less physical distress too and a healthy brain can keep you energized. Healthy brain cells means that the body is healthy too. Try out Geniux to feel the difference.

  2. People who are health conscious and exercise regularly also take nutrition supplements to achieve the fitness levels that they target. Nutrition supplements prevent imbalances, promote muscle development, and protect the body against the action of the free radicals. Review of NooCube
