Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Hop like a kid again, it's good for you!

Want to keep your bones healthy and strong? Then you should add some hopping and jumping to your fitness routine. Studies show that bones should be jarred to add mass and reduce the loss of bone mass as one ages. If you have a set of steps you could trying jumping on both feet from one step to the ground about 20 times every day or so to get the benefits of bone "blasting." Activities like playing tennis or basketball help the bones too by the constant jumping or side to side movements. Swimming, while a low impact activity, doesn't too a lot for the bones. If you are a bike rider try standing up to pedal to put a little extra stress on the bones. You could also join the kids for a game of hopscotch, do some jumping jacks, or the next time you get some really good new, hop up and down. You might look silly but your bones will be happy.

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