It is common knowledge that exercise and increasing cognitive skills is good for the brain. The Karvonen Formula lets you calculate your target heart ranges using a simple math formula. Of course if you have a heart rate monitor it will do it for you. The equation is quite simple though you will need to calculate your resting heart rate (RHR). That can be done be taking your pulse for 10 seconds and multiplying it by 6. That will give you the count for 1 minute and is a little easier than having to count your pulse for one minute. Once you have your RHR the steps are pretty easy.
Since there are apps for the Karvonen Formula I won't go into the formula here. If you don't have a smart phone you can google it. It's a pretty easy way to figure out your target heart rate for moderate (fat burning) intensity or vigorous intensity. I just wanted to introduce you to the formula in case you want to use something besides the "talk test" to figure out your intensities. And if you figure out the ranges yourself using the old paper and pencil method, then you'll also be firing up some of those neurons for dormant math skills.
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