You may not realize this, but setting goals is a great way to take care of your brain. Setting goals activates areas of the brain associated with positive thinking skills. This in turn promotes an improvement in thinking abilities and problem solving skills. For me I find that setting goals, like trying to run a fast 5K race, faster than than my previous year's time, helps to keep me motivated with my running. I like to play games in my head when I run. Some call it interval training. I see how fast I can run from one telephone pole to the next, and when I slow my heart rate down on the interval, I observe how many birds I see sitting on the wires. Anything to help pass the 25 or 30 minutes it takes me to run 3 miles.
Start with a goal that you feel is manageable and not so far out that you won't be able to attain it. Maybe you want to start by committing to taking a walk after dinner every night. You might even catch a really nice sunset as a bonus. While on a walk with my daughter the other evening we observed a flock of Canadian geese on the river, a sure sign that spring is here!
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