Are you rushing through summer and not taking the time to smell the blossoming efflorescence around us? Do you rush from appointment to appointment never taking in the sights and sounds? Taking just a few minutes to sniff the breeze can take you back to a childhood memory. Summer has so many delightful smells that can transport you away from a stressful day. For instance, walking by a river and catching a whiff of the saturated air you are instantly transported to that firefly filled evening you let go of a rope swing for the first time and experienced the exhilaration of plunging into the icy cold sparkling water.
I hear so many people lament the passing of summer. Why are we always so concerned with what has not happened yet? While it is here, do something different and out of your comfort zone. Pack a picnic lunch and on your lunch break, find a quiet spot to eat away from the bustle of your office. Invite a coworker along or enjoy some solitude before you are swallowed back up by the work day. No reason to hurry the season along, summer is for savoring and sniffing.
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