Thursday, July 25, 2013

Silent thanks.

I wonder how many of us really take the time when we eat to appreciate our food, where it was grown, by whom and how it taste? Many times we are so busy that we grab something on the run and eat it while driving. Not very gratifying I would wager and so therefore you grab a candy bar at the next stop so that you feel satiated. Of our five senses, taste, touch and smell serve us well when preparing or eating our food. If we really take the time to enjoy our meals we will feel satisfied, full and not craving unhealthy, sugary desserts.

An interesting exercise to do is to try eating one meal a week silently. This means not reading a book or watching a show at the same time that you are eating. Maybe you set the table with a tablecloth, if you own one, and light some candles to create a contemplative mood. It might seem weird at first but it will put you in touch with your food in a way that you may not have imagined. It will connect you to the people who grew your food and you might be able to decipher different ingredients if someone else has prepared the food for you. Before you pick up the fork, smell the food and silently give thanks that you have food to eat. You can even close your eyes while you do this and engage your hearing when you take the first bite. Is it crunchy, can your hear the sound of that in your ear? Or is the mouthful bitter, sweet, salty, or creamy?

We have such bounty around us in this growing season. Why not give silent thanks to what we have on our plates and that we have so many wonderful foods to choose from?

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