Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Neuroplasticity, in the news a lot!

If we want to continue to have great brain health there are some very simple things we can do. Some of the things that affect positive neuroplasticity (the capacity of the brain to change with experience) are physical activity. Seems like a no brainer, no pun intended, but even light exercise such as walking promotes cognitive function. Wonder how you can fit more walking into your daily routine? Take the stairs at work, park at the outer edge of the parking lot when shopping, or walk to the office!

In addition, learning something new that is interesting and requires your focus for long periods of time can have amazing effects. Taking a class that requires homework or learning a language could have you focusing for quite a while. However, it is good to get up from your desk every twenties minutes or so. It keeps one from getting stiff and gives your brain a little rest, ready to tackle those verb tenses when you sit back down.

Another way to improve brain health is simply diet. Incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet insures that you get antioxidants. Eating more of these fiber rich foods can affect neuroplasticty in a positive way. Instead of reaching for the chips or candy bars at work, pack some fruit before leaving home. Your waistline and your brain will be healthier and happier.

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