Monday, January 6, 2014

We have many chances to get it right!

Have you made some New Year's Resolutions and already feeling like you aren't sticking to them? Don't get discouraged, it takes time for new routines to stick. Maybe you resolved to have a better diet and eat more meals at home. If you find yourself sliding off that band wagon try this idea when you do eat out.

Have you noticed that restaurant portions are usually gargantuan? If you ask for a to go container when your server brings your food you won't  be tempted to eat everything on the plate. You will have a lunch for the next day, making dining out both economical and better for the waistline.

Another way to save calories when eating out is to order a couple of selections from the appetizer menu. Often one can have a delicious soup and salad that is gratifying and healthy without breaking the  budget. If the restaurant serves whole grain bread then you are getting healthy carbs as well.

Most importantly don't feel guilty about the choices you make when trying out a new diet plan. It doesn't do any good to beat yourself up. There is always tomorrow and a chance to get it
right… Happy 2014 and best  of luck in your New Year's resolutions!

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