Thursday, April 25, 2013

Got optimism?

Do you know a person who always seems to be happy and has a smile on their face? They may have to work at appearing that way, believe it or not. If you practice smiling, your really will feel happier. Just nodding to someone on the street with a smile on your face can be uplifting. If you think you are having a rough day, they may have just gotten the worse news of their life, and your smile might help them to put things in perspective. Think of a smile as a little gift that you can give to everyone you come into contact with. You might brighten their day and you will certainly lift your own emotions.

When you practice having a positive outlook you will find that things are not looking so bleak. Maybe you lost your job, but putting a positive spin on the situation means it could open up a whole new career path. If you look for the silver lining rather than the "woe is me" attitude, you might just find something positive comes about as a result of change. The people who learn to be resilient in the face of adversity are healthier and could possibly live longer by learning to "go with the flow."Put a smile on your face and see if it doesn't come back to you.

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