Wednesday, July 24, 2013

What motivates you?

We all lack motivation from time to time, that's okay, it is good to take time off and kick back with a novel or magazine. But if your have fitness goals you want to reach, you might find inspiration from reading other people's success stories. World class athletes all have stories about the race day they just didn't feel with it. Then they began to repeat the mantra they had used in training, their focus completely changed and they went on to win their race. The more we tell ourselves that we can do something, the more our brain will believe it.

You might also post your goal on your fridge, desk, car, anywhere you will see it during the day. Just make sure your goal is realistic. Start with small goals, walking for 5 minutes each day, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Think about your goal before going to sleep. Come up with a mantra that will help you to achieve your goal and repeat it often.

 I like to find sayings and post them on my fridge. I like this one I found a few years back by Joyce Carol Oates. It goes like this, "On days when I can't run, I don't feel myself, and whoever the self is I feel, I don't like nearly as much as the other." If you know that certain activities will give you pleasure and a sense of well being then find the time to do them.  If you are not a morning person and will never be one don't beat yourself up over it. Find the time of day that works best for you when your body rhythm is most in tune to moving!

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